During the 2015-16 financial year, BlueCHP has continued to evolve and consolidate our solid business strategy becoming a dynamic business that has laid strong foundations for further growth.
The business’ financial operating metrics have continued to improve, enhancing the balance sheet strength of the business.
Our results continue to demonstrate our strategy is appropriate to deliver our purpose of growing the supply of affordable housing. The demand for affordable housing throughout Australia continues at unprecedented levels from multiple segments of society – essential workers, older Australians, single women, people with a disability and people with lower incomes.
BlueCHP’s strength, expertise and experience will enable it to participate in addressing the needs of many of these people, either alone or in partnership with other like-minded organisations.
Government housing policy still remains unclear in many parts of Australia. However, it appears clear that in most states, the government will look to the community housing sector to play a greater role in tackling the affordable housing demand.
As this process develops, the need to balance government probity requirements with the available resources of the not for profit community housing sector is essential, to ensure scarce resources are not diverted from the primary task of delivering more affordable housing.
Find out more by downloading our 2016 Annual Report.