Complaints and Appeals Policy

Policy brief and purpose

  • This is the ‘Complaints & Appeals Policy’ of BlueCHP Limited ACN 128 582 383 (BlueCHP) (the “company”). It outlines our complaint handling process. This policy applies to all entities in the BlueCHP Limited group.
  • BlueCHP is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using services provided by BlueCHP or affected by its operations has the right to lodge a complaint. BlueCHP is committed to providing fair and just reviews of complaints and that they are addressed promptly and appropriately.
  • This policy provides guidance to all employees, officers of BlueCHP and its contractors, consultants, suppliers, service providers, any members of the general public, on BlueCHP’s approach to complaints management and further assists in meeting our compliance obligations.
  • Effective complaints management is fundamental to the provision of a quality service and provides a mechanism for obtaining feedback, resolving disputes and reforming company processes and procedures.


Complaint – A Complaint occurs when a person or organisation informs BlueCHP that they are dissatisfied with our service, standards, practices or policies.

Appeal – An appeal occurs when a person or organisation asks for a complaint decision made by BlueCHP to be formally reviewed.

Complaints that will not be actioned

  • Complaints about matters that have been dealt with already or are currently being dealt with by a third-party agency, court or tribunal;
  • Matters that are impractical to investigate;
  • Matters that appear to be frivolous or to be vexatious.

How are complaints treated

Complaints will be treated promptly and commensurately with the seriousness, frequency and consequences of the complaint.

BlueCHP will ensure that:

  • It will adopt a balanced and just view of any issue and consider all the available facts in a timely manner;
  • All parties are fully informed of their rights and responsibilities throughout the complaints and appeals process, and adequate, fair and equal representation for all parties will be ensured;
  • The company shall make this Complaints & Appeals Policy and forms available on the company’s website and in other relevant internal documents;
  • Processes will involve only those individuals essential to addressing the complaint or appeal;
  • BlueCHP will work with existing state, industry and government authorities that provide mediation;
  • Records of investigations and outcomes of complaints and appeals are treated with the highest level of privacy and confidentiality.

Complaints procedure

A complaint may be made in person, by email, letter or telephone and in most cases, a Complaints & Appeals Form will need to be completed. The Complaints & Appeals Form can be found on our website or obtained from:

The Complaints Manager
BlueCHP Limited
PO Box 315x, Leumeah NSW 2560

Send an email


Complaints will be recorded in The Complaints & Appeals Register. They will be treated as confidential, unless information is required or authorised to be disclosed by law or the complainant consents in writing to the disclosure. Complaints will only be discussed with those BlueCHP personnel on a need to know basis.

BlueCHP will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within five (5) business days of receipt. The complainant will be informed of the complaint process and timeframe/s at that time. If the complaint requires an immediate response BlueCHP will act accordingly.

As far as possible the matter will be investigated and resolved within 30 business days of receipt.

During investigation

As appropriate, BlueCHP will keep the complainant informed of what is being done to investigate and resolve their complaint.

Resolving the complaint

Once the investigation has been concluded BlueCHP will make its decision and formally convey that to the complainant.  This should be done as soon as reasonably possible and preferably within 15 business days from receipt of the complaint. The final outcome and resolution should be achieved within 30 business days of receipt of the complaint.

The response will explain the reason(s) for any decision.  If the complainant is still not satisfied with BlueCHP’s response they have the option of referring the matter to an external body.


  • If a complainant is dissatisfied with the original decision made by BlueCHP, then it is in their best interests to appeal as soon as possible after the original decision was communicated and within 3 months. Appeals need to be lodged using The Complaints & Appeals form provided on the website or can be sent in the form of a letter stating all relevant facts either via email, post, or delivered in person at BlueCHP office.

Appeals received will be acknowledged within 5 business days and the process of assessing the information submitted and review will take no longer than 30 days from the date of receipt. The appellant will be informed of the outcome stating the reasons for the decision and the same will be recorded in The Complaints & Appeals Register.

  • The investigator of an appeal will not be the same person who investigated the original complaint.

If the Appellant is not satisfied with the outcome of the review, they have an option to refer the matter to the relevant statutory authority as listed below:

Making an application to the Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Lodging a complaint with the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board where a complainant believes that they have been discriminated based on disability (includes diseases and illnesses); sex (includes pregnancy and breastfeeding); race; age; marital or domestic status; homosexuality; transgender status; carer’s responsibilities.

Lodging an appeal with Housing Appeals Committee (“HAC”) for people who are unhappy with a decision made by a social housing provider.

Lodging a complaint with the Registrar of Community Housing in your state/territory in respect of performance against the regulatory code.

  • Website address is and click on ‘Contact us’ to find the required state/territory.


Personal information will be handled in a manner consistent with BlueCHP’s Privacy Policy. This refers to maintaining the confidentiality of the personal information of the complainant. Generally, the complaint and any information related to it is kept confidential except with the consent of the complainant.


BlueCHP will ensure all the steps in the handling of each complaint are recorded in The Complaints & Appeals Register including receipt, investigation & resolution.


For further information or clarification, please contact the Complaints Manager.

The Complaints Manager
BlueCHP Limited
PO Box 315x, Leumeah NSW 2560

Send an email