2017 was a hugely successful year for BlueCHP, culminating in the opening of our landmark affordable housing development, Macarthur Gardens, by the Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison.
We are also proud to announce, at the end of last year, we delivered an additional 12 affordable homes at Ropes Crossing, consisting of 3 & 4 bedroom dwellings.
This project is a great example of how Community Housing Providers and government can work together.
BlueCHP has been working with the Department of Family and Community Services, and private sector partners, including Fowler Homes, Jandson Homes, Lily Homes and Lend Lease.
With our partners, BlueCHP has now delivered over 75 homes in Ropes Crossing, with a further 6 due in March and another 18 on the drawing board.
At BlueCHP we are passionate about helping everyone find a home they can afford because we believe this is the best way to support any family
We know we can make a difference to people’s lives, the community and the nation by building more affordable housing.