AFFORDABLE SOCIAL DISABILITY HOUSING | Not-for-Profit Tier-One Community Housing Provider

QLD Govt announces new $2.9 billion housing plan

BlueCHP congratulates the Palaszczuk Government on its new housing and homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025. 

BlueCHP’s CEO, Charles Northcote said the plan would support the delivery of more housing for Queenslanders.  “This plan is certainly something BlueCHP can support. We look forward to working with the Queensland Government to deliver more social and affordable housing,” Mr Northcote said. 

Darren Mew, BlueCHP’s Senior Development Manager said he was excited by the extent of the support. “This funding represents a historic investment in social housing.  The $1.9 billion over four years and $1 billion Housing Investment Fund, will support many Queenslanders,” Mr Mew said. 

Mr Mew said BlueCHP would continue its work with the Government, including proposing projects where state land could be better utilised. “Mixed used developments would be important for delivering support services and new community spaces.” 

“We look forward to contributing to the estimated 10,000 dwellings over the life of the plan, including 7,400 new builds over the next four years,” Mr Mew said. 

BlueCHP is a not-for-profit Community Housing Advisor, who specialise in the development of new housing. Since 2008, BlueCHP has delivered more than 1,700 homes, supporting people with disabilities, key workers and people on low income who need social and affordable housing. BlueCHP works closely with the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation, to access concessional loans. 

BlueCHP looks forward to working with the Queensland Government to deliver its new housing plan